Friday, March 8, 2013

'ReDo-2-You' - Mobile Classes

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE MY CLIENTS. New, repeat, and the ones I haven't even met yet. They are always pushing me to my creative best!
"If the mountain won't come to Muhammad then Muhammad must go to the mountain."
One of my clients cannot come to my technique class for mobility reasons so she asked if I would consider coming to her. How could I say no?? Then my wheels started turning, "I could do more of these classes if I made myself available to my clients." So I am in the process of getting together a pricing package for what I am calling 'ReDo-2-You.' These classes can be for one person or we can do them in groups. Like Tupperware....or Pampered Chef home parties....but better. No hassle. No pressure sales. Just learning to be creative in a safe environment. How cool is that !!!! Details on the way :)
Hope everyone is out enjoying this fabulous pre-Spring weather! I certainly have the 'fever.'


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